KM4Dev Core Group Meeting - 2013-05-29
- Discuss the scope of the 2013 KM4Dev planned meetings (Seattle & Nepal): is global participation a goal? Reference on Seattle
- "Discuss ways to use existing IFAD funds for participants from the South in KM4Dev meetings", (for Seattle and Nepal)
- What should the host (and co-host) organizations (ICIMOD or Helvetas) expect from KM4Dev in case we go for the Nepal choice? Expected funding, agenda and participation level?
- What are our expectations in case we decide to go with ICIMOD?- How should we approach ICIMOD and followup communications with them in the future? We don't have any Core Group members from Nepal and local support is very important.
- Who will do what? Allocate roles within KM4Dev Core Group for the best use of existing funds for the Annual Meeting (either in Seattle and or Nepal)
- Does the health of KM4Dev require a yearly F2F meeting of a quorum (or better majority) of core-group members? If yes, how are we going to address this challenge?
- Tech question: how, if possible at all, can one improve the title of a wiki page? like here "KM4Dev Core Group 29 May Meeting"
20130529 16:00 CET on Skype
Present: Anna Maria P., Peter B, Jasmin S, Lucie L., Melissa B.
Minutes: by all, edited by Peter B.
Note upfront: the original version of these minutes were hacked. Some notes got lost :-( . I will invite KM4Dev core group members to the copy I will put on the wiki later on. We have to be careful how to share Google Documents in the future, too bad.
Discuss the scope of the 2013 KM4Dev planned meetings (Seattle & Nepal); is global participation a goal? Reference on Seattle </p>
There are no KM4Dev ‘annual’ face to face meetings as such. The scope of events that materialize are to a very large extent determined by the local organizers (even though some of such events in the past were led more prominently by the KM4Dev core group).
The interest of the KM4Dev core group is that events are following the KM4Dev guidelines for such events. As we wish to ensure the quality of the KM4Dev brand. What may make a difference between one event and the other is the amount of funding available, in particular for (southern) participants that cannot afford all expenses; and the geographic location in terms of travel expenses for the majority of people who wish to come.
Global participation is welcome but not a goal in itself.
Seattle event has no funding. Organization and venue do not require external funding (Nancy plays a big role here, but she is not available to also lead / coordinate things like securing additional funding and logistics for participants). Seattle event makes $100.00 / participant available (check: who is funding?). response from Nancy - there is no funding for Seattle beyond ticket sales of $100 USD per participant with committee members attending free. Repeat. NO FUNDING. Nothing is made available to any participant beyond the core planning group.
Nepal can there be funding for that event? Riff mentioned there could be funding for participants from the south. In any case the event should be owned and led by local organizers (just like in Seattle), most likely - but to be verified - by ICIMOD, maybe Helvetas or other local agencies that may still join in.
IFAD will not organize a Share Fair in 2013. The budget line allocated to KM4Dev to organize such a Fair may be used by KM4Dev for any kind of event. The amount available could be up to US$27.000. See for more further below.
Practicals and agreements
We formed a small Core Group sub-group “Nepal 2013” to liaise, coordinate and support where needed the local organizers in Nepal: Annamaria, Jasmin, Peter, Lucie.
Lucie will take up the correspondence with Nepal today and can be contact point till end June.
Peter will setup a wiki reference page for the KM4Dev 2013 Nepal option.
Jasmin can chip is as of early July.
Annamaria remains part of the group.
The group will need good insight on how the IFAD funding (US$27.000 needs to be spent in 2013) can be used for an event in Nepal. Primarily probably to fund participants from the south, which includes Core Group members from the south.
The group will have to trace the KM4Dev event guidelines and share with Nepal local organizers, primarily ICIMOD.
The lead on organization, administration and content should be with local organizers. The core group can come in on meeting KM4Dev guidelines and methodological issues including for instance documentation and sharing, and avoid powerpoint based events.
The “Nepal” group needs to find out who of the core group would be able (sponsored or not) to participate in Nepal.
We need to keep in mind that the Core Group approached ICIMOD about holding an event there, though it was ex-ICIMOD staff Daan Boom who was very much eager to have the event. ICIMOD has staff being KM4Dev members. Good to identify them (e.g. Anja's group there). Lucie trained some of this people in using KM4Dev methods some time ago.
Core Group Challenge
The Core Group is busy, the participation level is low, we need to address ICIMOD and ask on their suggested agendas.
The Core Group cannot afford to loose opportunities to meet F2F even if in cases where only (very) few core group members can physically attend an event. Most of us seem to agree that such F2F meetings should happen at least once a year. Quorums are difficult to secure, when we had quorum, it was in Europe.
2007-8-9 events were intensely organized by CG, the others were organized by the host organisations. In 2005 organized by ILO there was at least 1 or 2 people involved For Seattle at least 5 people from CG will participate.
- again sorry that some notes got lost by ‘hackers’, or so it seemed, Peter -