Intranet and file sharing tools for low bandwidth
Original Message
From: Ole Dahl Rasmussen, posted on 2010/01/06
Dear all,
In connection to the current discussions on SharePoint, I would like to hear any experiences with file sharing tools for low bandwitdth. My organization uses SharePoint, but is considering whether it is the most appropriate one given the fact that we have 11 country offices in developing countries.
The most common usage is fore simple file sharing, so suggestions on ways to do that efficient among 250 people around the globe are particularly welcome.
All replies in full are available in the discussion page. Contributions received with thanks from:
Ole Dahl Rasmussen
Matt Moore
Peter J. Bury
Hapee de Groot
Chahira Nouira
Beatrice Murray
George Mu'ammar
Gabriele Sani
Alfonso Acuna
Patricia Mantey
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