February 20, 2008
KM 4 Dev Core Meeting Notes
February 20, 2008
Collaboratively taken by: Marc Steinlin, Peter Bury, Lucie Lamoureux, Nancy White, Ewen Leborgne, Riff Fullan
1) KM4Dev website update
2) Workshop 2008 options
KM4Dev website update
IDRC has contacted Riff and asked for admin access to the KM4Dev site in order to remove any material that may have been uploaded by IDRC staff in violation of copyright. Marc Steinlin suggested the following:
- ask them for a list of what they want to remove
- give timely limited access only (for transition phase)
- ask authors of copyrighted material for permission to leave on website
It was agreed that Riff would ask for more information from IDRC, although there was no reason to deny such access.
Workshop 2008 options
Riff reported on the budget under the SDC contract (which should provide funding for 16 months from 15/03/08) There is CHF10,000 to cover participants from the south. This probably means around 5 participants There is CHF20,000 to cover participation of core group members, so to the extent that some core group members could cover their own costs, it would free up funding for additional sponsored participation from the south. Finally, CHF20,000 is earmarked to cover organizing the workshop and related expenses.
Then the group discussed various options that were investigated in the preceding several weeks and put together in a spreadsheet by Urs Karl Egger
Lucie Lamoureux: Josien and Bev looked up different options around here and in Lisbon and these are our findings:
- Troia is too risky as they might not be ready on time;
- There are places in Lisbon - but they are ordinary type hotel places - nothing KM4Dev-y, special
- Josien knows somewhere in Caparica - which is too far outside my zone of influence to take a leadership role in organising etc.
For more info see http://www.hotelcostacaparica.pt/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=17&Itemid=60&lang=en
- There aren't any other special places round here for that number of people.
Conclusion: There are nice places in Lisbon and around Cascais way; they are regularly used for conferences; they are nothing special, but I could organise something there. We are talking around 100 € / head. Outside that, there are no good locations in this area.
For more info on the bruges hotel option, see: http://www.goldentulipdemedici.be/brochure.aspx?Language=EN
Marc Steinlin: if 2008 workshop in october, then it might be to soon to have the 2009 workshop in april - but obviously we can also postpone the 2009 workshop to oct/nov to maintain a 1-year rythm
Other venue options
Peter Bury: Ewen what about in the Creuse? Ewen Le Borgne: No connectivity, far from the airport.
Nancy White:
- India or S. America, it would be less expensive to fund Southern participants and we could fund more
- Costa Rica - noted concerns about capacity to organize
Peter Bury: can we start asking who in the community is interested and likely to come and plot themselves here:
Nancy White: I think that is the way to go if we shoot for October. I'm not sure we can get our act together to do that approach for June.
Marc Steinlin: i am afraid that for people in the south, india and s-america could be more expensive then europe! Nancy White: Well, in India, it would be cheaper for Indians. IN S. America, cheaper for them. So the cost varies for groups by location. Thus rotation over time.
Nancy White: If we must go in June, go with someplace easy and have a paid coordinator or org to host directly. Peter Bury: true
Nancy White: Expensive in Switzerland? I think the issue is logistics of the site, less about the agenda. June announcement was put out in Feb. If June - Switzerland or Portugal if Josien would like to be local coordinator. Bev says if you are talking 75, you are talking a hotel, not a rural location. Alternative is Algarve.
Marc Steinlin: riff and urs: in switzerland, did you check for cheaper possibilities - like wislikofen oder rüedlingen:
http://www.klosterkappel.ch/ Kloster kappel does have 70 rooms - about 30 min from zürich - nice histroic monastery
Peter Bury: in Leysin, CH: http://www.acv-courtelary.ch/
Riff to find out about other Swiss options.
Nancy will contact Josien
It would be best to make a firm decision on timing and venue by the end of February at the latest. The announcement for the previous KM4Dev meeting in Zeist (June 2007) went out in March, so there is still time, but not a lot.