Donor and NGO Coordination and Accountability

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Original Message

From: Charles Dhewa, posted on 2009/04/06

Dear Colleagues,

There are over 20 Donors and NGOs concentrating in one rural district of Zimbabwe known as Chimanimani, doing various things, some of them conflicting. Last week I mastered the courage to question one of the donors why they are not moving into new districts but preferring to work in one area with many other donors and NGOs who have been in this area for years. The answer was: "We are spreading our risk. People who work with many donors and NGOs are less likely to divert funding to irrelevant things."

Is this the same approach in Asia and other parts of the world?


All replies in full are available in the discussion page. Contributions received with thanks from:

Charles Dhewa
Ueli Scheuermeier
Hege Hermansen
Irene Guijt
Emmie Wade
Amina Singh
Sam Lanfranco
George de Gooijer
Gabriele Sani

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