Discussion on Knowledge Sharing Toolkits
- 1 Other Knowledge Sharing Toolkits and Resources
- 2 Introduction
- 3 Keywords
- 4 Detailed Description
- 5 KM4Dev Discussions
- 6 Examples in Application
- 7 Related FAQs/Community Knowledge
- 8 KS Toolkits and Resources
- 9 Original Author and Subsequent Contributors of this FAQ
- 10 Dates of First Creation and Further Revisions
- 11 FAQ KM4Dev Source Materials
Other Knowledge Sharing Toolkits and Resources
What are some of the good knowledge sharing toolkits and resources that are available? Particularly ones useful in development?
knowledge_sharing, toolkits, resources, methods
Detailed Description
Often we are asked to point to or provide a nice, concise set of KS methods in the form of a toolkit. A number of these exist, so we thought it would be a good idea to share our favorites here. Please post a link, stories of toolkits in use and your evaluation of the resources.
KM4Dev Discussions
[Summary of the discussions on the KM4Dev list which provided source material. People who contributed to the discussions are cited at the end of the section in italics: "The following members of the KM4Dev community contributed to the discussion thread on ...: XY (launched the discussion), ...]
Examples in Application
How we developed the GGIAR KS Toolbox: The toolbox was one of the expected results of the KS project led by CIAT for the CGIAR during 2004 and 2005. The project was developed through pilot projects in different CGIAR centers. We spend a lot of efforts in documenting the pilot activities (through video, journalistic input, photos, and multimedia). The pilot leaders got knowledgeable about the KS approaches they used in their activities. That is how and why we structured the toolbox in the following section: the tool, a definition, how it works, stories illustrating the use of the tool, people in the CG who used the tool and can be contacted.
The toolbox now needs update and more dissemination. It is not used as much as we would like. One additional idea is to use the toolbox as a resource in our engagement and collaboration with our partners. Indeed the KS project will start a second phase right now and includes a new component on KS in research.
Related FAQs/Community Knowledge
KM4Dev Journal Article on KS tools http://www.km4dev.org/journal/index.php/km4dj/article/viewFile/72/181
KS Toolkits and Resources
ODI Toolkit from 2006 (Still available in May 2015)
Knowledge Sharing toolkit - KS Toolkit http://www.kstoolkit.org is supported by CGIAR, KM4Dev, FAO, UNICEF and UNDP Active in May 2015
Bellanet KS toolkit (2004) STILL AVAILABLE May 2015
United Nations Human Rights OHCHR - Share, learn, innovate toolkit http://slitoolkit.ohchr.org/ and PDF version http://slitoolkit.ohchr.org/data/downloads/OHCHR-KM.pdf active in may 2015
ILO Knowledge sharing http://www.ilo.org/public/english/support/lib/knowledgesharing/tools.htm - Active Dec 2014
ILO Learning Compass http://compass.itcilo.org/
SDC Dare to Share Libary http://www.sdc-learningandnetworking.ch/en/Home/Library and KM Toolkit http://www.sdc-learningandnetworking.ch/en/Home/document.php?itemID=7333&langID=1
Toolkit Information activism Womens rights https://womensrights.informationactivism.org/
Toolkit Collaborative Techniques http://collaboration.grantcraft.org/
Toolkit Social Innovation http://diytoolkit.org/tools/
Toolkit service design tools http://www.servicedesigntools.org/repository
BetterEvaluation - Approaches http://betterevaluation.org/approaches
Knowledge Sharing for Change – Designing and Facilitating Learning Processes with a Transformative Impact” a pdf http://i-p-k.co.za/wordpress/2010/10/06/new-facilitation-handbook-available/
Introducing Knowledge sharing methods and tools - a facilitator's guide in pdf http://www.ifad.org/pub/thematic/km/faciliator_guide.pdf
ITrain Online has a variety of resources Search on Knowledge Sharing - Update: There are still links to toolkits on the ITRAIN site, but many dead links http://www.itrainonline.org/itrainonline/english/detail-eng.shtml?cmd%5B889%5D=x-889-9882&cmd%5B996%5D=x-996-9882 DEC 2014
Learning to Fly book by Chris Collison and Geoff Parcell - no toolkit per se, it is if you have read their book to join the group
Worldbank] KS toolkits BAD LINKS as of Dec 2014
The ILAC series BAD LINK to PDF
The Knowledge Sharing Toolkit by David Bartholomew
- The ‘Knowledge Sharing Toolkit’ is the result of a two-year DTI-funded project carried out by innovation consultancy David Bartholomew Associates (DBA) and nine of the UK’s leading architectural and engineering practices - Aedas, Arup, Broadway Malyan, Buro Happold, Edward Cullinan Architects, Feilden Clegg Bradley, Penoyre & Prasad, Whitby Bird and WSP. A concise 49 page how-to manual accompanied by nine detailed case studies, the Toolkit shows building design practices how to develop a knowledge strategy to support their business objectives, and explains the main tools and techniques for learning and sharing knowledge, and how to use them.UPDATE DEC 2014 LINK IS DEAD
KEEP Toolkit - oriented to education settings - UPDATE DEAD LINK DEC 2014
Original Author and Subsequent Contributors of this FAQ
- Nancy White
- Simone Staiger-Rivas
- Sophie Treinen
Dates of First Creation and Further Revisions
March 2007 Updated Dec 2010 Updated May 2015
FAQ KM4Dev Source Materials
[Raw text of email discussions on which the FAQ is based]