2009 Brussels Evaluation and Feedback Page

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From our sticky note evaluation and feedback experiment

What I Expected

  • wanted to test the huddle as this was new to me. But at the end was no different from a working group
  • meet new friends
  • I expected to learn new techniques and tools
  • I expected to be surprised and inspired by new experiences shared, and friendships made and renewed
  • networking, social, sharing
  • meet "old" friends
  • expected to meet the KM4Dev
  • share info on social media
  • to know how knowledge is shared
  • inspiration on how to foster a KS culture
  • Answers on some questions related to ICT
  • ideas for easy, easy tools
  • sharing of experiences on KM4Dev
  • informal mtg
  • creativity
  • interactivity
  • more theory
  • more organized input from organizations about KM/KS & experiences
  • I expected to meet interesting people in the field of KM4Dev
  • to have a workplan
  • how to make it work?
  • more KM-KS experiences
  • having from participants suggestions/examples/tips on implementing KM/KS
  • energizers
  • chaos and emergence
  • learn about incentives for KM/S
  • make friends
  • more technical tools
  • touristic tour
  • enthusiasm
  • I expected to meet some real KM experts/practitioners and was very satisfied. this is an impressive group and also liked that it was so international and diverse
  • I wasn't sure what to expect
  • lots of time to network and forge contacts that will be productive
  • I didn't know what to expect so had and open mind
  • to meet other KS/M people for sharing, learning and networking
  • to hear about different perspectives on KM4Dev
  • to (re)meetg KM/KS/IM/Dev afficonados
  • to submerge into the KM4Dev community
  • I came to reconnect with the community, meet new members and share ideas and experiences around common challenges
  • get more solutions to challenges I face with KS and learning. got very little from the ___ at the meeting but feel comfortable to call upon and start discussions on like
  • la rencontre de personnes venant de differents coins du monde
  • l'échange d'idées, d'informations, de points de vue, etc.
  • établir des contacts durables pour optimiser les différentes rencontres
  • s'ouvrir à d'autres cercles de réflexion
  • tenter une nouvelle expérience

What I Liked

  • Good intro to dive into topic and get to know each other
  • accommodation was very well organized
  • atmosphere and open exchange and warm, generous spirit of KM4Dev is really unique - it is so inspiring and refreshing
  • world cafe session - great format and very well facilitated
  • the small group discussions
  • opportunity to grow up together
  • networking - met great people
  • made new connections
  • the human factor; getting all those names I knew from the platform
  • great mix of people
  • great conversations
  • had some good laughs
  • great reflections and questioning and storytelling on how to foster a KS culture within our org.
  • good ideas for stimulating, prototyping, etc
  • being welcomed as a newbie
  • good contacts made during the workshop
  • what worked well for me so far was Lilia's Blog Surgery on Wednesday - inspiring and informed
  • I missed the Wednesday sessions because I had to work and very much appreciated that I could follow events on Twitter
  • great energising facilitators all of you. thank you!
  • Facilitators were excellent (Nancy White, Pete, Riff) Recommend them for future.
  • Very good format, never boring, plenty of opportunity to meet people
  • training on social media was a good idea (but requires more time/participation)
  • the concept of a huddle was confusing at first, but it worked well in the end
  • social reporting. I enjoyed focusing in on one person's story and thinking about how to communicate it.
  • the huddles worked well for me
  • huddles
  • open spaces
  • balance between theory and practice
  • Like the huddles (I was a bee)
  • loved that we could all do what we want - helps with sense making
  • people who care and the spirit to learn
  • open atmosphere
  • taking time 2 listen
  • getting multiple stories from the ground
  • the huddle "cross cutting domains)
  • the afternoon learning about social reporting
  • open minds
  • really liked graphic facilitation huddle and Cynefin framework open space session
  • consultation of participants on open space vs. weaving was good
  • World Cafe
  • huddle discussions
  • networking
  • friendly people
  • positive attitude
  • organization (bravo, Lucie, Mathieu and all!)
  • Thank you for all the hard work that went into organising, planning and facilitating this conference - much appreciated
  • learning with good dis______ (can't read)
  • I'm a confusiast
  • meet people
  • an experience
  • see you next year
  • I liked the open format which allowed me to pursue my interests and connect with others who share them
  • communication
  • people
  • tools
  • social media
  • cultures together
  • organisation
  • I made new connections and possibilities for partnerships
  • storytelling format in first day of Eduhuddle kept things moving in a big group
  • I learned something
  • the huddles
  • feeling supported with my pet-issues
  • experiences shared
  • F2F networking and trust building
  • learning gems found in conversations

What I Would Change or Do Better

  • I would have loved to take some (concrete) outcomes with me
  • not as much "buzz" as i expected
  • I expected much more interhuddling: cross fertilization and learning
  • Rigidity - people need to be more friendly, free and sharing information
  • don't do too much of "testimonials" or preachery community activities --> risk that it appears like a "km-church"
  • the feedback mechanisms
  • revisit KM tools like buzz groups, meta plan, etc
  • if we could improve on time-keeping and report backs
  • not sure about thematic format for huddles. Could an open space format work for the beginning as well as the end
  • it took way to long to have a minimal overview of who has experience in what, who is a relevant resource person for me --> typical newcomer problem Will be much better next time
  • participation from Latin America should be improved
  • I liked the open voice given to audience to make decisions on the process - however I think leadership from experienced facilitators needs strengthening
  • next time huddles should be about cross sector issues: gender, meta data access, alignment, overpopulation and climate change, interface, digital an non citizens voice, corruption
  • what did not work so well was the thematic pre-focus. I think that deciding topics/themes in open space on Day 1 would have created more natural huddles
  • NO HUDDLES ANY MORE: KM4Dev is not about silos
  • huddles should not be thematic
  • too little time in huddles
  • we experienced KS but didn't talk about it
  • receive a participant list in advance
  • huddle discussion did not link with KM/KS
  • huddles --> too much superficial "sharing" of what everybody does, remained too general. Try to focus on at least one concrete result (underlined) or shorten huddle
  • more energizers
  • no huddles
  • more results
  • less abstract
  • I did not like location (far from centre) and that we had to eat together everyday but these are small things with very many advantages for me (so really not negative points)
  • organized input is not bad
  • wednesday afternoon
  • no concrete outcomes for me
  • food... cheap is really ok but this is on the lower limit
  • internet
  • venue hard to get to (long way from city)
  • not enough focussed, structured discussions
  • huddle discussion didn't link with KM/KS
  • We experienced KS, but didn't talk about it
  • having a short bio and pic of participants on the wall (before and during) may help as time was short for networking and introduction
  • 2 jours et demi, c'est trop court
  • didn't have enough time to go through the whole process of video sharing on the web
  • check the proportion of experienced member vs KM-newcomers to ensure enough real "learning" instead of just sharing
  • receive participants list
  • restaurants - smaller groups next time or a buffet place?
  • what if you don't fit in any huddle (thematically)?
  • very few energizers
  • social reporting introduced too late in the program, could have been done at the beginning
  • long evenings at restaurants (could mix up tables/seating?)
  • roster of people who are present
  • have either a whole morning or afternoon for learning new tools + identified several resource people with similar systems (i.e. Apple, Windows)
  • the world cafe was good for getting to know people but maybe a bit long
  • chaos
  • next time, more surgery? facilitation courses?
  • ICT part was a bit chaotic - myself, I wasn't prepared either... idea was good!
  • while I like the open format, I felt a little more balance on structure could have helped me to have more focused interactions
  • the wrap-up of sessions
  • the two huddles that stuck together through the tech intro and let the appropriate tech emerge organically from their conversations I think learnt more about both the tech and how to apply it. Most groups had resident 'experts' and we could have had a few rovers