Incubator proposal

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KM4dev Incubators

Convenor: Simone Staiger


  • simone
  • pete shelton
  • shikha
  • andrea
  • ewen
  • josien
  • peter

Key Discussion Points


A “facility” for channeling group action for KM4dev.

A way to bring the ideas and proposals from the Open Space further.

A funder, through us, would have access to enormous number of organizations they might be interested to “explore” things.

we feel there might be a way to get those things funded

testing new technologies


  • i want to try out organizational presence in web2, experiment with it
  • storytelling is important to our culture, how to apply it better? i would like to experiment with
  • tool / method web2
  • brokering/matchmaking between research and ngos
  • M&E framework
  • twitter task force
  • network mapping
  • curriculum devmnt

many of the topics on the open space

What are we looking for

if it is within KM4dev there is immediate network, learning, visibility

we would be looking for teaming up, collaboration

money: how much ?

Donors Bill Gates, regional and thematic pots. You have to be formally organized. Huge projects. Rachel Cardone, who is a friend of Nancy, might know DFID GTZ Christian Kreutz IFAD USAID, seem to talk a lot about KM Google org?

Remarks it might help if incubators southern based

Could we have a KM4dev fund from existing funding? How to handle the “rules” of our employers for approaching funders Careful balance between personal title and job related networking

This could be a way to spread/alternate the “responsability” for sponsoring KM4dev

Coming out of the closet Emphasize the dev part, partly also to get funding

How to continue?

Concept note 2 pages Maybe start a wiki page for ideas, for experiments as well as possible funders, or ways to proceed.