Talk:DIKW (Data - Information - Knowledge - Wisdom) Model

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Sam Lanfranco

With regard to the good question "knowledge generated by whom?" there is an old construct that I find useful when doing workshops and training. In simple terms it starts with the idea of organizational structures and social processes surrounded by a cloud of DATA which only becomes INFORMATION as it is organized through some process of analysis, concern and possible intent. Information becomes KNOWLEDGE when it becomes part of the SKILLS SET/CAPABILITIES of an individual, an organization, a process or a community.

The analysis frequently stops there with DATA>INFORMATION>KNOWLEDGE. We take it one step further and argue that knowledge only has meaning in CONTEXT and with used with WISDOM.

One advantage of this simple construct is that it blends any aspect of KNOWLEDGE use, transfer, whatever, with two necessary real tasks,

  1. properly identifying the CONTEXT in which it is to be used, and
  2. assessing the relevant individual, organizational or community WISDOM to properly apply knowledge in context.

Sam Lanfranco (from Mumbai) Distributed Knowledge Project