KM4D Journal - Minutes of editors' meeting of 1 September 2017

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A special KM4D journal editors' action day was scheduled on 1 September to address a host of issues flagged by the editors ([here]). Teams worked on various issues in parallel. At the end of the day, all editors came together (except Helen and Charlotte who couldn't make it) to review the progress made. These minutes are from that last conversation.
Present: Denise Senmartin (DS), Ewen Le Borgne (ELB), Ivan Kulis (IK), Lucie Lamoureux (LL), Riff Fullan (RF), Sarah Cummings (SC).

I. Updating the journal wiki and integrating web platforms for the journal

(Worked on it: Lucie Lamoureux, Ewen Le Borgne) The logic we suggest is the following:

  • The OAJS remains the main platform for editorial work on the journal ie. Submit an article, review it there, create an issue etc. It also contains some information for editors in general but requires a thorough update and is probably not used as much as the other platforms anyhow.
  • Ning is the public face of the journal and should be the prime space for interactions with editors etc. (in addition to the Dgroup email address). We would like, ultimately, to put the overview of all articles and issues onto Ning too, so that anyone can find information about it at a given time…
  • The wiki is primarily an editors’ workspace, though it contains also links and information for the public but not updated on a regular basis.

What we did: We updated the journal wiki page. Trimmed and removed some content. Wondering about keeping the 'copyright issues'. We updated the blurb indicating which platform to go to depending on who you are. We will also update the Ning but we need credentials for this ACTION: ELB to get credentials from JP to update Ning

We need to make sure the editor's guide on the wiki is in line with the one on OAJS otherwise there's a risk of confusion/overlap.

II. Making the OAJS more approachable

(Worked on it: Ivan Kulis)
IK worked on a step-by-step guide with screenshots to make it more approachable for editors, looking at preparing new issues. Until then Sarah had been the only person to do this and IK can also do now so this will help. IK captured the majority of steps with screenshots with arrows etc. and need 1h of work to have the first draft fully done. Then there will be additional information to add e.g. manage subscriptions, manage editorial workflow etc. It's unclear if others are using the OAJS. And perhaps there is an updated version (the OAJS is developed by a Canadian University [1] and hosted by Greennet) ACTION: SC/RF to look into updating/migration of the system and contact Greennet by late Sept. This is an item to put on the agenda of the next meeting This is the tentative result of this work by Ivan: [2]

III. Managing the pool of editors

(Worked on it: Sarah Cummings)
SC put the current list into a spreadsheet and sent access to it and started contacting the editors, including actions to propose. Then proposed new members - would be great if everyone could look at that. ACTION: Everyone to review suggested actions by Sarah and comment. SC is trying to balance the pool, looking at gender etc. 20-25 people in the editorial board. The review is currently available at: [3]

IV. Planning our KM4Dj editor gatherings better

(Worked on it: Riff Fullan, Ewen Le Borgne)
See the results of this discussion at: [4] This table lists the topics we need to discuss, whether regularly or not. Then we specify whether there's specific people that can/should work on this, as tentative suggestions based on past interest. It's up to individuals to update the 'who does it'. ACTION: LUCIE to do a calendar of meetings for the next year or so including next editors' action day. And include alphabetical rotation per quarter (DONE): [5]
On the 'making archives available': it's 80% done and needs a technical fix. On the back of that, we could later on do some social network analysis or map the authors geographically? The 'editor action day' sounds like a good idea, at least once and perhaps twice a year The docs we produced will be put in a Gdoc and we'll use the journal Gdrive to put any document in there, but make sure these are not editable by a wider public. On the other hand, we continue with meeting minutes on the wiki. ACTION: ELB to make the Google folder editable only by editors ACTION: ELB to update minutes of this meeting into the editors' wiki (DONE)

V. Marketing and visibility

(Worked on this: Denise Senmartin, Ivan Kulis, Sarah Cummings)
4 points about the purpose: a) documentation of practices e.g. of KM in dev orgs b) curation on a subject c) cross-fertilization from other fields and d) inclusiveness for authors that cannot publish easily. Our readership covers 4 groups: a) practitioners (doing KM interventions, using their pool of experiences) b) decision-makers c) research community and d) KM professionals in low/middle income countries.
We agreed that it's good to have these 4 purposes and 4 groups and we keep our spectrum broad rather than focus on specific segments.
We did an exercise '1 line 1 para 1 page' to capture each purpose and audience in each of these. We can use this as a marketing pitch and to clarify things among us + with others we're marketing the journal with. We'll discuss this among the 3 of us and then with the editorial team (ET) at large.
We work on 2 levels: a) broad brush with focus on social media and strategising on these e.g. LinkedIn groups and pages, using specific hash tags and b) leveraging the power of word of mouth. We need to keep discussing this.
ACTION: DS, IK, SC (and anyone else) to meet again in a month to discuss this 1line/para/page approach
Re: marketing, we might use the re-launch of the OAJS if we end up updating the platform, as an opportunity... and promote the latest KM4D issue.
We'll discuss who should be in charge of Twitter, LinkedIn etc. and discuss word of mouth approach. Using the open access issue as a case, we can make a list of the LinkedIn goups to use etc.
Sarah mentions we have been discussing this with Chris Zielinski to link up with different databases etc. Perhaps he could be one of the new editorial board members to ensure we have the right people to promote the journal.
Riff says: We may want to hold back a little bit on marketing until we get a better idea about the new OJS platform. When we relaunch it would be a great moment to do the marketing.

Full Skype notes

[01-Sep-17 17:02:57] Ewen Le Borgne: Integration of platforms:
[01-Sep-17 17:02:59] Ewen Le Borgne: - The OAJS remains the main platform for editorial work on the journal ie. Submit an article, review it there, create an issue etc. It also contains some information for editors in general but requires a thorough update and is probably not used as much as the other platforms anyhow. - Ning is the public face of the journal and should be the prime space for interactions with editors etc. (in addition to the Dgroup email address). We would like, ultimately, to put the overview of all articles and issues onto Ning too, so that anyone can find information about it at a given time… - The wiki is primarily an editors’ workspace, though it contains also links and information for the public but not updated on a regular basis.
[01-Sep-17 17:04:05] Ewen Le Borgne: Updated the journal wiki page
[01-Sep-17 17:04:28] Ewen Le Borgne: Removed some stuff, and wondering about copyright issues (keep or go?)
[01-Sep-17 17:04:37] Ewen Le Borgne: This keeps a trail of where to go according to who you are
[01-Sep-17 17:05:06] Ewen Le Borgne: Jaap will send credentials on Ning to update it
[01-Sep-17 17:05:15] Ewen Le Borgne: e.g. about etc.
[01-Sep-17 17:11:11] Ivan Kulis:
[01-Sep-17 17:11:17] Ewen Le Borgne: Potential for confusion between OAJS guidelines and editor handbook on the wiki - NEEDS TO BE UPDATED/MERGED/MIRRORED
[01-Sep-17 17:11:28] Ewen Le Borgne: II. MAKING THE OAJS MORE APPROACHABLE
[01-Sep-17 17:11:47] Ewen Le Borgne: IK worked on a step-by-step guide with screenshots to make it more approachable for editors, looking at preparing new issues
[01-Sep-17 17:12:02] Ewen Le Borgne: Sarah has been the only person to do this and IK can also do now so this will help
[01-Sep-17 17:12:23] Ewen Le Borgne: Captured majority of steps with screenshots with arrows etc. and need 1h of work to ahve the first draft done
[01-Sep-17 17:12:37] Ewen Le Borgne: Then additional information to add e.g. manage subscriptions, manage editorial workflow etc.
[01-Sep-17 17:13:00] Ewen Le Borgne: Q: Is this platform being developed by others in other contexts?
[01-Sep-17 17:13:31] Ewen Le Borgne: A: I wouldn't know (IK) - SC doesn't know either and it's been bothering me because it's difficult to use.
[01-Sep-17 17:13:59] Ewen Le Borgne: Creating an issue is ok but locating information and finding updated versions is difficult. It's produced by a Canadian University
[01-Sep-17 17:14:14] Ewen Le Borgne: Greennet
[01-Sep-17 17:14:23] Ewen Le Borgne: ?
[01-Sep-17 17:14:36] Denise Senmartin:
[01-Sep-17 17:15:21] Ewen Le Borgne: It might be useful to check for updates?
[01-Sep-17 17:16:58] Denise Senmartin: How to migrate to OJS version 3?
[01-Sep-17 17:17:28] Ewen Le Borgne: ACTION: RF to look into updating/migration of the system? In late Sept.
[01-Sep-17 17:18:54] Ewen Le Borgne: SC to do this
[01-Sep-17 17:18:55] riff.fullan.helvetas: Put on agenda of the next meeting
[01-Sep-17 17:19:03] Ewen Le Borgne: and contact Greennet
[01-Sep-17 17:19:52] Ewen Le Borgne: III. POOL OF EDITORS
[01-Sep-17 17:20:12] Ewen Le Borgne: SC put the current list into a spreadsheet and sent access to it and started contacting the editors, including actions to propose
[01-Sep-17 17:20:29] Ewen Le Borgne: And proposed new members - would be great if everyone could look at that
[01-Sep-17 17:20:44] Ewen Le Borgne: ACTION: Everyone to review suggested actions by Sarah and comment.
[01-Sep-17 17:20:49] Ewen Le Borgne: SC looking at gender etc.
[01-Sep-17 17:22:16] Lucie Lamoureux:
[01-Sep-17 17:22:42] Ewen Le Borgne: 20-25 people in the editorial board
[01-Sep-17 17:23:01] riff.fullan.helvetas:
[01-Sep-17 17:23:02] Ewen Le Borgne: IV. PLANNING OUR GATHERINGS BETTER
[01-Sep-17 17:23:26] Ewen Le Borgne: This table lists the topics we need to discuss, whether regularly or not.
[01-Sep-17 17:23:41] Ewen Le Borgne: Then we specify whether there's specific people that can/should work on this
[01-Sep-17 17:23:47] Ewen Le Borgne: (tentative suggestions)
[01-Sep-17 17:23:53] Ewen Le Borgne: Based on past interest
[01-Sep-17 17:24:11] Ewen Le Borgne: Up to individuals to update the 'who does it'
[01-Sep-17 17:26:39] Ewen Le Borgne: (Riff going through the list of all topics etc.)
[01-Sep-17 17:27:07] Ewen Le Borgne: ACTION: LUCIE to do a calendar or meetings
[01-Sep-17 17:27:12] Ewen Le Borgne: 'of meetings'
[01-Sep-17 17:27:15] Ewen Le Borgne: For the next year or so
[01-Sep-17 17:27:32] Ewen Le Borgne: Do an alphabetical rotation per quarter
[01-Sep-17 17:31:38] Sarah Cummings: Wow that sounds great, Ewen
[01-Sep-17 17:32:02] Lucie Lamoureux: (y)
[01-Sep-17 17:32:18] Sarah Cummings: social network analysis?
[01-Sep-17 17:32:37] Ewen Le Borgne: Mapping the authors?
[01-Sep-17 17:33:00] Sarah Cummings: Also wow
[01-Sep-17 17:33:59] Ewen Le Borgne: Action day like today - at least once a day, possibly 2ce
[01-Sep-17 17:34:06] Ewen Le Borgne: Everyone agrees it's a good idea
[01-Sep-17 17:34:14] Ewen Le Borgne: ACTION: Lucie to schedule this in the calendar
[01-Sep-17 17:35:06] Ewen Le Borgne: Any document would be in a Gdoc and we'd use the journal Gdrive to put any document in there
[01-Sep-17 17:36:12] Ewen Le Borgne: These docs should not be editable by a wider public
[01-Sep-17 17:36:18] Ewen Le Borgne: And we continue meeting minutes on the wiki
[01-Sep-17 17:38:01] Ewen Le Borgne: ACTION: ELB to make the Google folder editable only by editors
[01-Sep-17 17:38:50] Ewen Le Borgne: ACTION: ELB to update minutes of this meeting into the editors' wiki
[01-Sep-17 17:38:55] Ewen Le Borgne: V. MARKETING AND VISIBILITY
[01-Sep-17 17:39:35] Ewen Le Borgne: 4 points about the purpose: documentation of practices e.g. of KM in dev orgs b) curation on a subject c) cross-fertilization from other fields and d) inclusiveness for atuhors that cannot publish easily
[01-Sep-17 17:40:13] Ewen Le Borgne: Readership: 4 groups ; a) practitioners (doing KM interventions, using their pool of experiences) b) decision-makers c) research community and d) KM professionals in low/middle income countries.
[01-Sep-17 17:40:24] Ewen Le Borgne: We agreed that it's good to have these 4 purposes and 4 groups
[01-Sep-17 17:40:36] Ewen Le Borgne: Should we focus on one of these segments or continue to address the broad spectrum?
[01-Sep-17 17:40:41] Ewen Le Borgne: We leaned to the broader approach
[01-Sep-17 17:41:10] Ewen Le Borgne: We did an exercise '1 line 1 para 1 page' to capture each purpose and audience in each of these
[01-Sep-17 17:41:24] Ewen Le Borgne: We can use this as a marketing pitch and to clarify things among us + with others we're marketing the journal with
[01-Sep-17 17:41:39] Ewen Le Borgne: We'll discuss this among the 3 of us and then with the editorial team (ET) at large
[01-Sep-17 17:42:08] Ewen Le Borgne: 2 levels: broad brush with focus on social media and strategising on these e.g. LinkedIn groups and pages, using specific hash tags
[01-Sep-17 17:42:15] Ewen Le Borgne: We chatted about powerful word of mouth
[01-Sep-17 17:42:40] Ewen Le Borgne: How can we leverage word of mouth to do marketing for us?
[01-Sep-17 17:42:52] Ewen Le Borgne: Initial discussion about this without deeper digging - something to continue
[01-Sep-17 17:43:14] Ewen Le Borgne: ACTION: DS, IK, SC (and anyone else) to meet again in a month to discuss this 1line/para/page approach
[01-Sep-17 17:43:19] riff.fullan.helvetas: RE: marketing, we might use the re-launch of the OAJS if we end up updating the platform, as an opportunity...
[01-Sep-17 17:43:21] Ewen Le Borgne: and promote the latest KM4D issue
[01-Sep-17 17:43:42] Ewen Le Borgne: We'll discuss who should be in charge of Twitter, LinkedIn etc. and discuss word of mouth approach
[01-Sep-17 17:44:10] Ewen Le Borgne: We discussed the open access issue as a case
[01-Sep-17 17:44:20] Ewen Le Borgne: We can make a list of the LinkedIn goups to use
[01-Sep-17 17:45:52] Ewen Le Borgne: SC: have been discussing this with Chris Zielinski to link up with different databases etc.
[01-Sep-17 17:46:14] Ewen Le Borgne: Perhaps new members could include him to ensure we have the right people to promote the journal
[01-Sep-17 17:46:26] Ewen Le Borgne: Great if he could take on that side of things
[01-Sep-17 17:46:42] Ewen Le Borgne: RF: also use that opportunity of the new platform
[01-Sep-17 17:47:22] Ewen Le Borgne: We may want to hold back a little bit until we get a better idea about that new platform
[01-Sep-17 17:47:29] Ewen Le Borgne: It would be a great moment to do the marketing